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Friday, July 29, 2011

my political views

I personaly don,t the gov because the waste 97% of the money in over paying guys that don,t dom much
 obama come on 14 mil on a plumbing job you didn,t need wtf right but sadly them v.i.p.s. can not go and r.i.p. themselfs to peices you know that if the us gov shut down for one week and saved up the money they would have spent they would be able to feed the would for 1 day thats 6 bill peps 6 bill. do you know the mean tax rate in the us it's 41% the mean tax rate in the world is 13% NOW  what dose that say about us USish peps alot of bad BEEP dosn't it why yes it does so my point is that the gov that I think should go to hell first is the us gov tell me if you agree yes I know not all govs are bad  but most of them are so BEEP you to

a marks the nuke

click the loctoin boton

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